Country specific hiring info

A compliant independent contractor agreement for hiring in North Macedonia

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Country specific hiring info

A compliant independent contractor agreement for hiring in North Macedonia

Get your independent contractor agreement in North Macedonia for $0

Hey, we’re Thera: The platform built for hiring and paying contractors, all over the world. We’ve got locally-compliant contracts in more than 150 countries—written to comply with local contracting laws in places like North Macedonia.

The good news: Thera’s free until you pay your first contractor. So, grabbing your contractor agreement costs you a grand total of $0. Hit the button below to pick up your locally-compliant contract in North Macedonia. It takes all of 2 minutes to sign up.

Answering all your questions about independent contractor agreements in North Macedonia

You probably have questions. We’re here to answer them. Below, you’ll learn all the extra stuff you should probably know before putting together an independent contractor agreement for North Macedonia.

Why do I need an independent contractor agreement in North Macedonia?

So, you're about to embark on a new remote business relationship with a person from North Macedonia.  But before you get too deep into it, remember the importance of having an independent contractor agreement. This handy document sets the stage for a successful working relationship by spelling out all the necessary details from the start—and it’s usually all about rates, timelines, and work duties.

Think about it this way: if you don't have a contract, you're basically playing legal roulette. Trust us, you don't want to be in the middle of a great project and have it all fall apart because of a legal hitch. And, you don’t want to be empty-handed if questions about misclassification ever come up.

What do contractor agreements in North Macedonia typically need to have?

Every contractor agreement in North Macedonia (and, the rest of the world) can be broken up into two parts:

  • Contract-specific variables: This includes things like scope of work, rate, and deadline. They’re the project-specific variables that you’ll include with each contract, and are totally dependent on what type of work you’re hiring a contractor to do.
  • Everything else: Besides things like scope and deadline, every independent contractor agreement in North Macedonia should follow a similar structure. If you want to grab your own contract with a compliant structure for North Macedonia, sign up to Thera
What makes contractors different from employees in North Macedonia?

So you want to work with some international talent from North Macedonia, but you're trying to decide between hiring an employee or a contractor. Let’s break it down. When you hire an employee, you typically need to hire through an Employer-of-Record service. These are expensive, lengthy processes that often cause more headaches than they solve.

But when you hire a contractor, it's a breeze. All you need is a simple signed agreement and boom, you're ready to roll. Plus, it's a lot more flexible: You can bring contractors on board for a specific project and then let them go once it's done.

Here are a few of the key things that make contractors different from employees in North Macedonia:

  • Contractors can set their own schedules
  • Contractors can work with their own software and tools 
  • Contractors can work for other clients 
  • Contractors rarely receive benefits, like health insurance*

Hiring contractors is the faster, cheaper, more flexible way to hire abroad. And, when you use Thera, you’re able to hire & pay with an employment-like experience—no more messy spreadsheets and manual wire transfers.

*With Thera, you can get your contractors access to sign up for premium global health insurance, from SafetyWing, at a 50% discount.

Click here to learn more about hiring your team in North Macedonia.

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